Tuesday 15 October 2013

Modern body modification...

BODYSHOCK= A television programme intending to shock us with all the outrageous possibilities you have to modify your body. 

=Tattoos: Way of expressing ones self through images, writing, art on the body using permanent ink (needles).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mIBKifOOQQ   =  ZOMBIE BOY

=Implants: As well as the obvious breast implants, you can also get more creative implants such as buttox, arm muscles, chest pecs, implants to add 3D effects to tattoos, 3D shapes in the body like temporary bagel heads, stars and other shape implants.

=Piercings: We all know about typical ear lobe piercings which can be done several times depending on lobe size but there are many other body piercings available such as; other ear parts, nose, tongue, eyebrow, lip, cheek, neck, arms, stomach, feet, hands, nipple, and a rather worrying on, genitalia...OUCH!

=Body adaptions: As well as adding things to the body, some individuals also like to take some of the body away such as those wanting to look like a snake having their tongue snipped. Or still adding some strange objects to the body in order to look like other animals like cats.

In my opinion it is absolutely MAD, I'm all for looking unique and different and not following the crowd but there is some line which should not be crossed where humanity and sanity goes straight out of the window and it scares the hec out of me! Each to their own I guess...

Other futuristic Images...

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