Tuesday 15 October 2013

Bald Caps...

During the next couple of practical sessions we learnt how to apply and makeover a bald cap, this is the broken down step by step of how to create the look...

= Dampen down and gel the hair, comb and wrap neatly and tightly around the head evenly. Apply hair net, use hairdryer to dry and hold firmly into place. Once secure, remove hair net. (No grips)
= Get bald cap, apply front to back with extreme care and steadiness.
=Once adjusted in position start to cut and glue the front down on the forehead avoiding hair with stipple. Move onto the ears, do not stretch cap whilst drawing ear shape or will be too short to stick, cut slowly and carefully, then glue. When at the back of the head/neck gently stretch cap down, cut quite a way down from hair line and stick down. Go over any loose parts of the cap with glue.
= When all secure, use airbrush machine to spray the cap a pink/red toned colour until you can no longer see through to the hair as a base. Once dried, find matching skin tone colour and spray over the red until all covered and blended with the colour of face/neck/ears.
= Add any other prosthetic pieces or patterns etc to final outcome.



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